Fee Guide​
  • Private Scheme
  • Independent Scheme
  • NHS Scheme
  • Emergency Scheme


for more information

Fee Guide​

It is the aim of this practice that patients are always aware of any fees that they will have to pay before treatment starts, including the details of the treatment to be provided and whether it is being provided privately, Independently or under the National Health Service. Patients will also be aware of when their fees will be due.

To achieve this aim: 

  • A treatment fee price list is displayed in reception on the notice board and on our website.
  • Estimates are provided by Treatment Plan form for each patient to sign before treatment starts.
  • ​A new estimate is provided if there is a change in a treatment plan and the patient will be asked to sign it before the changed treatment commences.
The practice is committed to providing a high standard of treatment and service to its patients. To achieve this goal it is important that treatment fees are collected efficiently.


All patents are provided with a treatment plan and estimate before the treatment commences which has details of the payment terms and the fees payable for treatment.


To avoid unnecessary costs or inefficiency fees for private, independent and emergency patients are collected before each treatment plan has been completed, with the fees payable as treatment progresses, with the full balance due before the final appointment. For NHS patients, full fees are collected on the first appointment. The charges will depend on the band your treatment falls under.