NHS Scheme

NHS Scheme & Price List

Changes to NHS Dentistry and the New Band System

The government has recently implemented changes to the way NHS dentistry is provided, introducing a new "Band system" of charges for treatments. At our practice, we will continue to offer NHS care under these new terms, but there will be some changes to how we operate.

Booking Appointments for Existing NHS Patients

If you are an existing patient and wish to book an appointment, we will do our best to accommodate you at a convenient time within the designated NHS hours. For children under 18, appointments are available between 9 am and 5 pm. For adult patients, appointments are allocated between 11 am and 3 pm. Due to limited NHS funding, we are required to allocate our time and resources accordingly, meaning we cannot leave treatment plans open indefinitely. All treatment plans must be closed within two months.

NHS Waitlist for New Patients

New patients wishing to join the practice under the NHS scheme can apply to join our waiting list by completing an application form. Due to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and a shortage of NHS dentists, we currently have a long waiting list and limited capacity.

Seeing a Specific Dentist

While you may request a particular dentist, please be aware that we cannot always guarantee this, as it will depend on their NHS availability.

NHS Guidelines and Check-up Frequency

We will follow the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines on how often patients should visit their dentist. It is no longer the norm for NHS patients to receive two check-ups per year if not necessary. Resources are being allocated to those who need dental care the most. However, if you prefer more frequent visits or would like additional services like regular hygienist appointments, you can choose to pay for these privately.

Eligibility for NHS Treatment

We offer NHS treatment to the following groups:

  • Patients who pay for NHS treatment.
  • Patients who are partially or fully exempt from NHS treatment fees, including:
    • Children under 18.
    • Young people under 19 still in full-time education.
    • Pregnant women or those with a child under 12 months.
    • NHS inpatients treated by a hospital dentist.
    • NHS outpatient dental service patients (dental appliances may incur a charge).
    • Recipients of Income-based Job Seekers Allowance.
    • Recipients of Income Support.
    • Recipients of Income-related Employment and Support Allowance.
    • Recipients of Pension Credit Guarantee Credit.
    • Patients named on a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate.
    • Patients with a valid HC2 certificate.
    • Patients with a valid HC3 certificate may receive partial help with dental costs.

Claiming Free Treatment

If you are eligible for free or reduced-cost treatment, you must provide written proof of your exemption. Failing to do so, or claiming exemption when not entitled, may result in a penalty charge.

NHS Dentist Availability

When booking your first appointment, you will be informed of which dentist you will see. For subsequent appointments, you will be assigned to the first available dentist. While we will try to accommodate your preference for a specific dentist, we cannot guarantee that you will see the same dentist at each visit.

Ineligibility for Free Treatment

Please note that receiving the following benefits does not entitle you to free treatment:

  • Incapacity Benefit.
  • Contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance.
  • Contribution-based Jobseeker’s Allowance.
  • Disability Living Allowance.
  • Council Tax Benefit.
  • Housing Benefit.
  • Pension Credit savings credit (when paid alone).
  • Certain medical conditions do not exempt you from treatment charges.

Cancellation Policy

We kindly request that you provide at least 24 hours' notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment. You can contact us by phone at 01707 37 5000. If you call outside of office hours, you can leave a message. Please note that if you miss or cancel more than two NHS appointments with less than 24 hours' notice, we may be unable to offer you NHS treatment in the future. You will be moved to our “Non-registered/Emergency Scheme”